Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hey this is Zoe (The main admin), from "Your weird. I like you." on Facebook. I just made this blogger, and it would be pretty good if you guys could help me out with ideas of what to post on here o__O considering this is the only thing i can think of. :] Haha so yeah, just let me know some ideas. Thanks!


  1. Why not have people send you stories of their "You're weird. I like you." moments and post them for discussion?
    Just an idea...

  2. You could write situational humor that everyone can relate to. That's always awesome.

  3. You could post about weird people and what they do, and why you like them.

  4. I agree with Robert, it could be the little weird moment blog, like
    Today, my fiancee decided to give me something close and dear to her heart, i was thinking something sappy and girly, she gave me aligator claw necklace, she's weird and i love her (or some variation of that like YWILY)

  5. I'm going to second what Robert said.

    I have a couple blog posts that might be fun.

    Actually...I like the other previous comments too. Mix it up. Take submissions from other weirds, post your own weirds, post fun, weird stuff you hear about.

  6. Yeah it keeps everything live, an chicken nuggets would be interesting every now and then

  7. Robert's idea sounds best, but it helps to make sure it involves cookies and waffles. I hear people like those. :)

  8. Hey. I have two blogs... I hope that this one is fun for you! I would recommend talking about different things which you think are weird, and maybe publish weird things which other people send to you.

    I love weirdness, especially if it is funny. But don't just do random, that will make an unattractive blog. Talk about unusual interesting things, such as an odd hobby which someone has which is also really neat. Or something like irony.

    Sorry to ramble, I'm just trying to help you out - and I hope that I have. :)

  9. Sorry to be pendantic, but how do you feel about having over 1 million fans to a page with a typo in the title? And then to build a blog page afterwards with the same typo?

    Your - "owned by you".
    You're - contraction of "You Are".
